628 research outputs found

    Memory-Centric Computing

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    Memory-centric computing aims to enable computation capability in and near all places where data is generated and stored. As such, it can greatly reduce the large negative performance and energy impact of data access and data movement, by fundamentally avoiding data movement and reducing data access latency & energy. Many recent studies show that memory-centric computing can greatly improve system performance and energy efficiency. Major industrial vendors and startup companies have also recently introduced memory chips that have sophisticated computation capabilities. This talk describes promising ongoing research and development efforts in memory-centric computing. We classify such efforts into two major fundamental categories: 1) processing using memory, which exploits analog operational properties of memory structures to perform massively-parallel operations in memory, and 2) processing near memory, which integrates processing capability in memory controllers, the logic layer of 3D-stacked memory technologies, or memory chips to enable high-bandwidth and low-latency memory access to near-memory logic. We show both types of architectures (and their combination) can enable orders of magnitude improvements in performance and energy consumption of many important workloads, such as graph analytics, databases, machine learning, video processing, climate modeling, genome analysis. We discuss adoption challenges for the memory-centric computing paradigm and conclude with some research & development opportunities.Comment: To appear as an invited special session paper at DAC 202

    Retrospective: RAIDR: Retention-Aware Intelligent DRAM Refresh

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    Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) is the prevalent memory technology used to build main memory systems of almost all computers. A fundamental shortcoming of DRAM is the need to refresh memory cells to keep stored data intact. DRAM refresh consumes energy and degrades performance. It is also a technology scaling challenge as its negative effects become worse as DRAM cell size reduces and DRAM chip capacity increases. Our ISCA 2012 paper, RAIDR, examines the DRAM refresh problem from a modern computing systems perspective, demonstrating its projected impact on systems with higher-capacity DRAM chips expected to be manufactured in the future. It proposes and evaluates a simple and low-cost solution that greatly reduces the performance & energy overheads of refresh by exploiting variation in data retention times across DRAM rows. The key idea is to group the DRAM rows into bins in terms of their minimum data retention times, store the bins in low-cost Bloom filters, and refresh rows in different bins at different rates. Evaluations in our paper (and later works) show that the idea greatly improves performance & energy efficiency and its benefits increase with DRAM chip capacity. The paper embodies an approach we have termed system-DRAM co-design. This short retrospective provides a brief analysis of our RAIDR paper and its impact. We briefly describe the mindset and circumstances that led to our focus on the DRAM refresh problem and RAIDR's development, discuss later works that provided improved analyses and solutions, and make some educated guesses on what the future may bring on the DRAM refresh problem (and more generally in DRAM technology scaling).Comment: Selected to the 50th Anniversary of ISCA (ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Computer Architecture), Commemorative Issue, 202

    Retrospective: Flipping Bits in Memory Without Accessing Them: An Experimental Study of DRAM Disturbance Errors

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    Our ISCA 2014 paper provided the first scientific and detailed characterization, analysis, and real-system demonstration of what is now popularly known as the RowHammer phenomenon (or vulnerability) in modern commodity DRAM chips, which are used as main memory in almost all modern computing systems. It experimentally demonstrated that more than 80% of all DRAM modules we tested from the three major DRAM vendors were vulnerable to the RowHammer read disturbance phenomenon: one can predictably induce bitflips (i.e., data corruption) in real DRAM modules by repeatedly accessing a DRAM row and thus causing electrical disturbance to physically nearby rows. We showed that a simple unprivileged user-level program induced RowHammer bitflips in multiple real systems and suggested that a security attack can be built using this proof-of-concept to hijack control of the system or cause other harm. To solve the RowHammer problem, our paper examined seven different approaches (including a novel probabilistic approach that has very low cost), some of which influenced or were adopted in different industrial products. Many later works from various research communities examined RowHammer, building real security attacks, proposing new defenses, further analyzing the problem at various (e.g., device/circuit, architecture, and system) levels, and exploiting RowHammer for various purposes (e.g., to reverse-engineer DRAM chips). Industry has worked to mitigate the problem, changing both memory controllers and DRAM standards/chips. Two major DRAM vendors finally wrote papers on the topic in 2023, describing their current approaches to mitigate RowHammer. Research & development on RowHammer in both academia & industry continues to be very active and fascinating. This short retrospective provides a brief analysis of our ISCA 2014 paper and its impact.Comment: Selected to the 50th Anniversary of ISCA (ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Computer Architecture), Commemorative Issue, 202

    Retrospective: An Experimental Study of Data Retention Behavior in Modern DRAM Devices: Implications for Retention Time Profiling Mechanisms

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    Our ISCA 2013 paper provides a fundamental empirical understanding of two major factors that make it very difficult to determine the minimum data retention time of a DRAM cell, based on the first comprehensive experimental characterization of retention time behavior of a large number of modern commodity DRAM chips from 5 major vendors. We study the prevalence, effects, and technology scaling characteristics of two significant phenomena: 1) data pattern dependence (DPD), where the minimum retention time of a DRAM cell is affected by data stored in other DRAM cells, and 2) variable retention time (VRT), where the minimum retention time of a DRAM cell changes unpredictably over time. To this end, we built a flexible FPGA-based testing infrastructure to test DRAM chips, which has enabled a large amount of further experimental research in DRAM. Our ISCA 2013 paper's results using this infrastructure clearly demonstrate that DPD and VRT phenomena are significant issues that must be addressed for correct operation in DRAM-based systems and their effects are getting worse as DRAM scales to smaller technology node sizes. Our work also provides ideas on how to accurately identify data retention times in the presence of DPD and VRT, e.g., online profiling with error correcting codes, which later works examined and enabled. Most modern DRAM chips now incorporate ECC, especially to account for VRT effects. This short retrospective provides a brief analysis of our ISCA 2013 paper and its impact. We describe why we did the work, what we found and its implications, what the findings as well as the infrastructure we built to discover them have enabled in later works, and our thoughts on what the future may bring.Comment: Selected to the 50th Anniversary of ISCA (ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Computer Architecture), Commemorative Issue, 202
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